Mastering Shotgun Fundamentals


Own a shotgun? Interested in learning to use one for self-defense? You need to learn the strengths and weaknesses of this classic weapon that is presently enjoying a resurgence with newly released models from various manufacturers. We cover ammo selection and show you how to pattern your gun with your ammo, how to carry extra ammo on the shotgun or on your body, administrative loading and unloading the shotgun, shooting and reloading, and malfunction clearance. You will learn ready positions, presentations, shooting on the move, barricade positions, single and multiple targets, along with our introduction to space and angles.


$500.00 Total Cost

10% Discount Active Duty Military or Reserve, Active Duty Law Enforcement and former FASTER students.

Email or text 937-901-6900 for a coupon code. ID required.

Ammunition Requirement : 300 rounds Bird shot, 25 rounds Buck shot, and 15 Slugs

Prerequisite: None

Class Times:   

Day 1: 9:00AM – approx. 5:00PM

Day 2: 9:00AM – approx. 5:00PM


Additional information

Class Dates

July 20-21, 2024