Tactical Rifle 2-3


Tactical Rifle 2
Refresh your tactical rifle skills and take them further with increased shooting distances and position shooting potential. Work around vehicles and other cover/concealment. Advanced shooting scenarios. Ammunition requirement 1000 rounds. Tactical Rifle 1 is a prerequisite.
Tactical Rifle 3
This class pushes your limits of weapon manipulation, speed of engagement and tests how well your gear is set up. Additionally, the tactical deployment of the rifle will be stressed along with live fire houses and low light live fire house exercises. Partner tactics will be included in this class. Ammunition requirement 1000 Rounds. Tactical Rifle 2 is a prerequisite.



$1,000.00 Total Cost

10% Discount Active Duty Military or Reserve, Active Duty Law Enforcement and former FASTER students.

Email tdiohio@gmail.com or text 937-901-6900 for a coupon code. ID required.

Ammunition Requirement : Minimum 2000 rounds (No steel core or steel penetrating rounds may be used on steel)

Prerequisite: Tactical Rifle 1

Class Times:  

Day 1: 9:00AM – approx. 5:00PM

Day 2: 1:00PM – approx. 10:00PM

Day 3: 1:00PM – approx. 10:00PM

Day 4: 9:00AM – approx. 5:00PM

Additional information

Class Dates

October 24-27, 2024